It Never Rains...
Published Monday, April 10, 2006 by Karen Phillips Racing | E-mail this post
...But snows/sleets/hails! Gotta love the British weather.
Afer a couple of days hard graft over the weekend putting the rollcage back in, wiring, and plumbing in the fire extinguisher it was time to re-fit the seat and to fit the harness. Karen was called upon for her fitting. The picture above shows Darren pulling a "Carry On" style face as he adjusts Karen's 5th strap (If you know what I mean).
When that was done we decided everything was set for the first test of the car on the road. It's still legal(ish) and was equipped with its registration plates and tax. However, it was getting dark and it suddenly became apparent the sidelights and front indicators weren't working. The rear lights weren't working either, or the dash illumination!!
After much swearing and some worried looks we tried looking for a culprit fuse. The Haynes manual we had was useless, as was the Workshop manually. Our saviour came in the form of the Owner's Handbook which listed the fuses in their respective positions and we realised we'd mis-placed one somehow. Success!
Both Karen and myself tried the car and found it great fun. A lot of understeer has been banished and it feels very tightly screwed together and very very nippy.
We had noticed one of the headlamps had a loose connection and required a tap to work now and again. Today was spent installing new headlight bulbs, fitting the door bars and some rollcage padding, servicing a sticky rear brake, and washing and polishing the car before affixing all the mandatory decals apart from the actual race roundels and numbers. Hopefully the roundels and a sun-strip will be applied tomorrow. We'll also be doing an oil change, fitting more rollcage pdding, and clearing up the garage.
Looks like we're going to be raring to go ready for the first race this coming Good Friday.
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