Getting Wired...
Published Tuesday, April 04, 2006 by Karen Phillips Racing | E-mail this post
Last night was a long session that saw the transponder and rain light being wired up, and most of the other interior wiring being tidied. Darren "Sparks" Hughes did all that work, and then we measured out the required amount of new live battery cable. That should be collected this evening ready to go straight into the car.
I drilled out our new aluminium dash panel which will cover the radio slot. The panel hosts the cut-off switch, extinguisher cable pull and rain light switch. That just needs painting before it goes in.
We also worked out how we're going to mount the rain light off the rollcage. I need to create another aluminium panel which will be drilled at an angle to allow jubilee clips to clamp it to the rear diagonal. The flange mounting rain light will then just be bolted to the plate.
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