Space, The Final Frontier...

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Previously, we'd had to hire a trailer for each race weekend. This was because we didn't own one as we had nowhere to store it. We've now bought a trailer which is kindly being stored temporarily by John Wilson, who also lives in Worcester and will be racing in the MR2C in 2007 in car #17!

Meanwhile, things have been changing on the home front to accomodate the trailer. This weekend saw the creation of a new section of driveway and a large gate was installed to keep everything secure. We've taken up a section of block paving in the garden which will be replaced by concrete as hard standing for the trailer.

Expensive and time consuming projects like this rarely get considered in the scheme of things when one decides to enter the motorsport arena. However, our lives will be made so much easier because of the changes. We can't wait to have them completed and have the trailer stored securely at home.

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About Karen Phillips

  • Karen races her Impreza WRX in the Classic and Sports Car Club (CSCC) Modern Classics series, with her husband Richard as a 2nd Driver. The races are mini-endurance events involving a driver-swap. Karen has previously raced in the Nippon Challenge, a race series for Japanese and Asian cars. Karen has been racing since 2006, having started in the MR2 Challenge.
  • Please check this site regularly for updates on Karen's progress through the season and developments with her race car.

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