Published Tuesday, January 30, 2007 by Karen Phillips Racing.

Not exactly...
After a period of inactivity over winter, the new racing season approaches. So therefore, a few tasks are required on the car to make sure it's ready. These began at the weekend when one of the front springs had the bottom coil removed in an effort to lower the car and firm up the suspension. (The car is using rising rate springs, with the lower rating at the bottom).
This did however reveal a problem. When jacked up, the much shorter spring is not under tension and falls out of position. This will be a total pain when trying to change a wheel or brake pad. Of course the problem will double if the centre of the front or back is jacked up, which will see both sides drop out of position! We're going to try to resolve the problem, and once satisfied with the result we can progress with the other corners of the car.
There are also the new polybushes, rear toe-arms and ARB droplinks to fit! The polybushes may be a real pain, but the other items should be straightforward to install.
Hopefully, when complete, the car wil not be so low as to cause problems when being loaded on its very own trailer. The car was given a Christmas present of a trailer and this will make life much easier for Karen and Richard when going to race meetings. Previously, they've had to take extra time off work to collect and return a hired trailer as well as all the costs involved in that. Now all that's required is somewhere to store the trailer...erm...err...